ubikcp - Copy data from a running ubik database server
ubikcp -dbname <location of database file> [-cell <cell name>] [-server <database server>] [-service <database service>] [-config <configuration file>] [-localauth] [-help]
The ubikcp command copies a ubik database from a running database server, and places it in the file specified by the -dbname option on the local machine. It makes an atomic copy of the database, and so can be used to reliably back up a database server without stopping the database service.
The database server to contact may be specified explicitly by using the -server option. If -server is not specified, then a server is selected from those listed in the local configuration for the cell given by -cell, or the local cell. The service given by -service is used to determine which list of servers to use.
The file system path to store the downloaded database to. This will have the ubik file extensions .DB0 and .DBSYS1 appended to it to create the names of the files in which the database is stored.
The cell of the database server which is being contacted. If this is not specified it will be assumed that the server is in the local cell.
If -server is not specified, the cell determines the list of servers to contact. It also determines which set of security credentials to use.
The DNS name, or IP address, of a database server to contact. Using this overrides any list of database servers contained in the location configuration, and any checks to ensure that we fetch the most recent database.
The name of the database service that we are fetching. This determines the port we contact, and the cell list that is used if -server is not specified. Supported values are afsvldb, afsprot, afsbudb, afs3-vlserver, afs3-prserver, afs3-budbserver.
Sets an alternate location for the configuration file that will be parsed for options.
Use the key material contained in the local /etc/yfs/server/KeyFileExt file, rather than that in the local credentials cache.
Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored.
The issuer must be listed in the /etc/yfs/server/UserListExt file on the database server being queried, or must be logged onto a server with an account capable of reading the /etc/yfs/server/KeyFileExt file if the -localauth flag is given.
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