buserver - Initializes the Backup Server


buserver [-database <database directory>] [-afscompat [yes | no]] [-auditlog [<log path> | yes | on]] [-audit-interface (file | syslog | sysvmq)] [-debug <debug level>] [-config <configuration file>] [-resetdb] [-noauth] [-smallht] [-servers <list of ubik database servers>+] [-rxbind] [-ubikbuffers <# of buffers>] [-help]


The buserver command initializes the Backup Server, which runs on database server machines and maintains the Backup Database. In the conventional configuration, the binary file is located in the /usr/libexec/yfs directory on a file server machine.

The buserver command is not normally issued at the command shell prompt, but rather placed into a database server machine's /etc/yfs/server/BosConfig file with the bos create command. If it is ever issued at the command shell prompt, the issuer must be logged onto a file server machine as the local superuser root.

As it initializes, the Backup Server process creates the two files that constitute the Backup Database, bdb.DB0 and bdb.DBSYS1, in the /var/lib/yfs/db directory if they do not already exist. The Backup Database houses information about volume sets and entries, the dump hierarchy, Tape Coordinators, and previously performed dump sets. Use the commands in the backup suite to administer the database.

The Backup Server records a trace of its activity in the /var/log/yfs/BackupLog file. Use the bos getlog command to display the contents of the file.

This command does not use the syntax conventions of the AFS command suites. Provide the command name and all option names in full.


The buserver process reserves port 7021 for its use. Unexpected behavior can occur if another process tries to reserve this port while the buserver process is running.


-database <database directory>

Specifies the pathname of an alternate directory for the Backup Database files, ending in a final slash (/). If this argument is not provided, the default is the /var/lib/yfs/db directory.

-afscompat [yes | no]

Ensures that no data or metadata will be accepted that prevents interoperability with AFS3-protocol clients such as OpenAFS. It does not disable the AuriStorFS protocol extensions or use of the yfs-rxgk security class.

-auditlog [<log path> | yes | on]

Turns on audit logging, and optionally sets the path for the audit log. The audit log records information about RPC calls, including the name of the RPC call, the host that submitted the call, the authenticated entity (user) that issued the call, the parameters for the call, and if the call succeeded or failed. If no path is specified, /var/log/yfs/BackupAuditLog is used.

-audit-interface (file | syslog | sysvmq)

Specifies what audit interface to use. Defaults to file. See fileserver(8) for an explanation of each interface.

-debug <debug level>

Sets the detail level for the debugging trace written to the /var/log/yfs/BackupLog file. Provide one of the following values, each of which produces an increasingly detailed trace: 0, 1, 5, 25, and 125. The default value of 0 produces only a few messages.

-config <configuration file>

Sets an alternate location for the configuration file that will be parsed for configuration options for this service. If this option is not specified, /etc/yfs/server/yfs-server.conf will be used.


Removes all of the information in the Backup Database files in the /var/lib/yfs/db directory, leaving zero-length versions of them. The backup operator must recreate the configuration entries in the database (for volume sets, the dump hierarchy and so on) before performing backup operations.


Turns off all authorization checks, and allows all connecting users to act as administrators, even unauthenticated users. The use of this option is inherently insecure, and should only be used in controlled environments for experimental or debug purposes. See NoAuth(5).


Directs the Backup Server to use smaller internal hash tables for the Backup Database, which reduces memory requirements but can make data access take longer.

-servers <list of ubik database servers>+

Specifies the database server machines on which to start the Backup Server. Use this argument if running the Backup Server on a subset of the database server machines that is not a majority of the machines listed in the /etc/yfs/server/yfs-server.conf file.


Bind the Rx socket to the primary interface only. (If not specified, the Rx socket will listen on all interfaces.)

-ubikbuffers <# of buffers>

Sets the number of internal buffers used for maintaining the ubik database. The default is 400. If the buserver runs out of free buffers, errors can occur while trying to modify ubik data. It is not recommended to change this setting.


Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored.


The following example bos create command creates a buserver process on the file server machine It appears here on two lines only for legibility.

   % bos create -server -instance buserver \
                -type simple -cmd /usr/libexec/yfs/buserver


The issuer must be logged in as the superuser root on a file server machine to issue the command at a command shell prompt. It is conventional instead to create and start the process by issuing the bos create command.


BackupLog(5), BosConfig(5), bdb.DB0(5), backup(8), bos_create(8), bos_getlog(8), yfs-server.conf(5)


IBM Corporation 2000. All Rights Reserved.

This documentation is covered by the IBM Public License Version 1.0. It was converted from HTML to POD by software written by Chas Williams and Russ Allbery, based on work by Alf Wachsmann and Elizabeth Cassell.


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The "AuriStor" name, log 'S' brand mark, and icon are registered marks of AuriStor, Inc. (USPTO Registrations 4849419, 4849421, and 4928460) (EUIPO Registration 015539653).

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